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IST = Indian Standard Time | CET = Central European Time | USET = U.S. Eastern Time | USCT = U.S. Central Time | USPT = U.S. Pacific Time
Thursday, May 25, 2023
18:30 IST
15:00 CET
09:00 EDT
08:00 CDT
06:00 PDT
Warm Javelina Welcome by Dr. Robert Vela, Jr., President, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Dr. Robert H. Vela, Jr.
19:00 IST
15:30 CET
09:30 USET
08:30 USCT
06:30 USPT
Presenter: Dr. Gary Low
Program Title: Mindfully Thriving
In this engaging program Dr. Gary Low shares, highlights substantive continuous research, study, and applications of the skills-based learning systems model, theory of positive human development, and Transformative Emotional Intelligence (TEI) learning and development. Living and working well in the 21st century are challenging in so many ways and require specific sets of skills, including self-knowledge guided by experiential, self-valued learning. The four affective PERL learning domains are essential to explore, identify, understand, develop, and apply.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will have first-hand opportunities to learn about, build, and use Transformative EI Learning & Development in their life and career.
Key Words:
Transformative Emotional Intelligence, Affective Learning Domains, Aspirational Achievement, Resilience, Relational Ethics, Career-Life Skills, Intrapersonal Growth, Personal Excellence Leadership
Presenter Bio
Dr. Gary Low
20:15 IST
16:45 CET
10:45 USET
09:45 USCT
07:45 USPT
Presenter: Dr. Pragya Singh
Program Title: Analysis of Employees' Performance & Their Job Satisfaction in an Organization - with Reference to F.C. Industries, Bathinda Road, Jaitu (District-Faridkot), Punjab, India
A healthy relation between the employees and managers improves the productivity and efficiency of the organisation. Thus, Managers have a great responsibility to develop a strong relationship with their employees and achieve the desired goals of the organisation. Emotionally intelligent employees easily understand the needs of the customers as well as their managers and provide them better services.
This research analysed the relationship between emotional intelligence, job performance and emotional satisfaction among employees in a small organisation of Faridkot district of Punjab, India. This study has taken Hawthorne study conducted by Elton Mayo in 1914-15 in G.E.Company in USA as the reference to analyse the gap between the different aspects of emotional intelligence within the organisation. The findings of the discussion show that the employees are influenced by social surroundings. Also the study of Hawthorne shows how human behaviour changes with the change in social surroundings.
Learning Objectives: Through the analysis of various dimensions of employees performance it is suggestive that it is influenced by work surroundings and co-workers as much as by employee ability and skill. Learning objectives are included below.
1. Employees need to be appreciated and given motivation on a timely basis.
2. Emotional intelligence directly impacts and job satisfaction of the employees.
3. Factors like uneven pay structure and social surroundings negatively affect the performance of an individual.
4. Experiments can be performed to know the major and minor factors affecting the performance and satisfaction of an employee.
5. More discussions are required for increasing effectiveness among employees of the organisation.
Key Words: Job Performance, Emotional Satisfaction, Social Surroundings, Emotional Intelligence, Positive Change
Presenter Bio:
Dr. Pragya Singh
21:15 IST
17:45 CET
11:45 USET
10:45 USCT
08:45 USPT
Presenters: Dr. Lauren Denver-Potter and Alexis Erickson
Program Title: Let’s Talk About Sexes: Is There a Difference in Emotional Intelligence Between Men and Women?
The speakers will present an overview of the research that was conducted by TAMUCC Senior Honors Student, Ms. Alexis (Lexi) Erickson, and supervised by Dr. Denver-Potter, in preparation for Lexi's graduation in May 2023. Dr. Denver-Potter and Ms. Erickson will describe the rationale for the study, go through the methods, and reveal results from their study.
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the justification for the research.
2. Explain the research methods utilized for this undergraduate research project.
3. Analyze the results yielded from the study.
Key Words: Gender; Undergraduate Research; ESAP; Positive Assessment, University Students; College Students
Presenter Bios
Dr. Lauren Denver-Potter's Bio
Alexis Erickson's Bio
22:15 IST
18:45 CET
12:45 USET
11:45 USCT
09:45 USPT
Meal and Networking Break
23:30 IST
20:00 CET
14:00 USET
13:00 USCT
12:00 USPT
Presenters: Liesel C. Mendoza, Nimreet Grewal, Deepak Sharma, Tracy Wiseman, Moe Rubenzahl, Peter Alexander, Mark Lo, & Renee Tonioni
Program Title: Leadership Development Mentoring Stories Transforming Lives Globally
Program Description: A panel discussion and presentation of how the Mentoring Club Inc. has used the Skills for Career And Life Effectiveness® (SCALE®) positive assessment process as a framework for early-, mid-, and advanced-career stage mentoring.
Presenter Bios:
Liesel Mendoza
Nimreet Grewal
Deepak Sharma
Tracy Wiseman
Moe Rubenzahl
Pete Alexander
Mark Lo
Renee Tonioni
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